TIED TOGETHER- click for more info
Tied together.
This sculpture has so many strong meanings attached to it. During my design process I got thinking about knots and what they symbolise.
Most of us know the feeling of when our stomach feels like it is tight in a knot this can be when we are scared or uncomfortable, but knots also have positive aspects like when we tie the knot of our marriage or it can be the final knot that hold us together.For me a sculpture need to tell a story or get us thinking. I am still thinking about this art piece which I see as a positive thing.
The elegant porcelain sculpture seem to be growing up from the Portland stone plinth in an organic fluent movement that turns and twists before narrowing in and forming a strong knot in the middle. When following the marks of the texture upwards the sculpture widens out before doing a final twist and finishing with a soft opening.
H 36cm x D 13cm x W19.5cm